General Information
- Burning Permits are required and may be obtained by calling Troy Davis at (218) 838-2425 or online. Current burning restrictions can be viewed online as well. Please note burning leaves in the City is prohibited by ordinance.
- Motley Public Cemetery - Please call Greg Frisk at (218) 352-6137.
- Cats and dogs are required by city ordinance to be licensed within the city. Only 3 adult dogs, 4 adult cats, or a total of 5 adult dogs/cats are allowed, notwithstanding the aforementioned separate limits. There is a $5 fee, and a copy of your pets current vaccinations is required. Please contact City Hall for more information. Applications are available here.
City Council - monthly, generally on 2nd Monday at 4:30 p.m. at City Hall, unless otherwise posted. A second meeting held the 4th Monday of the month at 2p.m.
Planning & Zoning - monthly, generally on third Monday at 2:00 p.m. at City Hall (may not hold if no action items are needed)
Fire Department - monthly on 1st Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. at City Hall
Compost Site
The compost site is available to all residents WITHIN the city limits of Motley.
Motley Area Historical Society
Snowplow/Shoveling Information